Emotive HBO Series: Time Traveler’s Wife

Rose Leslie (Clare Abshire) and Theo James (Henry DeTamble) in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Written by

Jude Bautista

The weight of her words were dawning upon him. What if she was right? There was something intoxicating with her looks, an edge underneath that flaming red hair and piercing blue eyes. He couldn’t help but stare.

Theo James is Henry DeTamble in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Henry (Theo James): All of a sudden I’m distracted.  Clare (Rose Leslie): Concentrate, ask me something. Henry: Why you? Why would I go see you so many times? Clare: We’re gonna have to go back to that one. Henry: But there is a reason. Clare: There is a reason. Next question. Henry: Ok, any hobbies any favorite books? Unusual sexual proclivities I should be aware?  Clare: One, I’m going to marry you. (She sees the shock in his face) I was going to build up to that. But uh, there it is. I’m your future wife. Henry: Who said? Clare: You do. You told me. You explained, you were coming from a time in the future when we were married. I don’t mean to spring it on you like that but in the future, we’re a married couple.

Rose Leslie is Clare Abshire in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Searching for words Henry could only manage a smiling and confused ‘Congratulations?’. Which incensed her. Clare: Seriously? Congratulations? Henry: What am I supposed to say? Clare: You don’t think much of yourself do you? Henry: I can’t even begin to answer…

Clare: Congratulations?  Henry: There is literally no precedent for this conversation. Clare: That’s for sure! Henry: I’m sorry, it’s just a lot to process. Clare: Take my hand when you say process. Henry: We’re married? You’re my wife? Clare: Yes I am. Your FUTURE wife. Henry: I bet you four hours ago, I had no idea. Clare: I know. I know, I get it. I get it, it’s been 14 years for me. Just earlier today for you. It’s a lot. So ask me questions.

Theo James is Henry DeTamble in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Henry: OK well, seeing we’re going to be married and no offense I’ve only got your word for that. Clare: Technically I’ve only got YOUR word for that. But if you think about it does any couple ever have… Please don’t do that. Henry: Do what? Clare: Swallow, when I say the word couple. Henry: Did I just swallow? Clare: Audibly, the next table looked over. So come on, questions. Henry: How did we meet? Clare: You mean, how was it for me?

The Time Traveler’s Wife | Official Trailer | HBO

Bestseller to Movie

2009, was when THE TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE movie was first released capturing hearts long after its debut. The film was based on a novel, written by Audrey Niffeneger that became a best seller in 2003. The film and novel became certified hits over time and has earned a cult following.

How could you escape, Rachel McAdams sweet face and not melt your heart? Or Eric Bana’s rugged physicality wrapped in a tragic character, Henry DeTamble.

Rachel McAdams as Clare Abshire in the 2009 hit movie TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

I have to confess I am one of those who belatedly watched the movie version through cable on HBO and became a huge fan. No one else but Audrey Niffeneger up to that point had ever made time travel as a disease, or natural human ‘condition’. The succeeding question would be how would that person, afflicted with such a disease, survive? Since time travel, to Henry, was out of his control, why and how did he end up appearing to Clare?

Eric Bana as Henry DeTamble in the 2009 hit movie TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Their destiny is entwined, eloquently by the author and successfully brought to life by McAdams and Bana. The novel, however, was rich with details of Henry’s childhood or their first date scene from above. Details and scenes glossed over by the movie because it all had to be compressed into 1 hour and 47 minutes.

Jason David as Young Henry DeTamble in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Rachel McAdams as Clare Abshire in the 2009 hit movie TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.


The ‘compression’ to a film version may be the reason why HBO has decided to produce a TV series of THE TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE. There’s so much more to see and learn, especially from the well-conceived novel.

The series is also available on HBO GO, their streaming service. PLDT has a promo which slashes the regular price. It’s a great deal considering it includes many more award winning series like the upcoming WESTWORLD (season 4) and  GAME OF THRONES prequel HOUSE OF THE DRAGON, even BARRY (season 3 – created and starred in by SNL legend Bill Hader). Taking advantage of the promo before HOUSE OF THE DRAGON premiere in August would be wise.

THE TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE series has Rose Leslie also from G.O.T and Theo James of DIVERGENT. An hour long each episode, 6 in total.  You can actually watch / stream the first episode for free on the official HBO website: https://www.hbo.com/the-time-travelers-wife

Kate Siegel as Anette DeTamble in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Anette, The Opera Singer

Another interesting character is Anette DeTamble, Henry’s mom. She was this glowing unforgettable figure in his life, who also happens to be a famous Opera singer. In the series, she’s a formative figure in Henry’s childhood. Kate Siegel plays Anette, who also starred in and co-wrote / screenwriter in OCULUS (2013) and HUSH (2016).

Kate Siegel as Anette DeTamble in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

We never got to know Anette in the film. Bana only accidentally bumps into her in the subway and strikes up a conversation as an admirer who recognized her.

From the book, Richard, Henry’s father, tells Clare about Annette one night: “Annette had the most marvelous voice… she could express her soul with that voice… whenever I listened to her I felt like my life meant more than mere biology… she was a very emotional person… She brought that out in other people.”

Theo James is Henry DeTamble in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Henry the A-Hole

When Clare bumps into Henry for the ‘first time’ in the library, he is not the same person, she met before. Clare as a six year old, met an older, wiser Henry, in her past, with gray hair, beginning wrinkles of middle age. Physically superior with the magnificence of youth, the 28 year old version she meets (again), first time for him, in the library.

Everleigh McDonell as Young Clare Abshire in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

While 28 year old Henry has younger skin, stronger body, he is far inferior from the man Clare fell in love with. She finds out that he is emotionally immature, selfish, self centered and as she describes an a-hole. (She completes the cussword in the series, it IS HBO after all). This is where most of the conflict comes from.

Theo James is Henry DeTamble in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Again only lightly touched in the film. But here, an opportunity to expound. Theo James, captures the dichotomy between his two versions of the same character amazingly well. This gives the series a more realistic portrayal.

Rose Leslie is Clare Abshire in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Willful Clare

I don’t know if its just me but Rose Leslie’s version of Clare is emotionally stronger and more willful. Could it be that I’m just projecting Leslie’s seminal role as Ygritte in Game of Thrones? Ygritte is the wildling archer that seduces Jon Snow (Kit Harrington). The world fell for her, who was as aggressive in bed as she was in the battlefield.

Rose Leslie is Clare Abshire in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Rose Leslie and Kit Harrington, fell in love for real and “registered their wedding date of June 23, 2018 at a local office in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, where Leslie’s father owns a castle. Their big day was attended by their co-stars like Peter Dinklage, Sophie Turner, Maisie Williams, and Emilia Clark” From BBC: Game of Thrones: Kit Harington and Rose Leslie wedding date announced

Rose Leslie is Clare Abshire in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Leslie has proven her growth as an actress, and should be acknowledged her unique take on the role of Clare. As far as looks are concerned, Rose is closer to the Clare described in the book as a natural red head. Some might say she’s even more sexually aggressive with Henry (than Ygritte) here in this new series.

Rose Leslie is Clare Abshire in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

In some ways, the adaptation by Steven Moffat (Writer and Executive Producer) could be considered as more courageous. Difficult subjects such as violence against women (not by Henry), mental health issues are injected by Moffat that were not in the novel. The adaptation was a means of evolution, growth even for the material. Audrey Niffeneger’s involvement as consultant was critical in this respect.

The Time Traveler’s Wife | Time Travel, Explained | HBO

What you don’t understand, when  someone so bright comes into your life,

something else comes with it… absence.

There is absence, like a shadow on your days.

—Clare Abshire


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Rose Leslie is Clare Abshire in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.



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Theo James is Henry DeTamble in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Rose Leslie is Clare Abshire in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Theo James is Henry DeTamble in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.



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Watch S1 Episode 1, TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE for free on the official HBO website: https://www.hbo.com/the-time-travelers-wife


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Kate Siegel as Anette DeTamble in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Left: Jason David as Young Henry and Theo James as grown up Henry DeTamble in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Theo James is Henry DeTamble in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.



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Watch S1 Episode 1, TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE for free on the official HBO website: https://www.hbo.com/the-time-travelers-wife


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Theo James is Henry DeTamble in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.



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Rose Leslie is Clare Abshire in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Rose Leslie is Clare Abshire in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.



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Watch S1 Episode 1, TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE for free on the official HBO website: https://www.hbo.com/the-time-travelers-wife


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Theo James is Henry DeTamble in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Theo James is Henry DeTamble in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Rose Leslie is Clare Abshire in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.



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Theo James is Henry DeTamble in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Rose Leslie is Clare Abshire in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Theo James is Henry DeTamble in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.



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Rose Leslie is Clare Abshire in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Theo James is Henry DeTamble in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Rose Leslie is Clare Abshire in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.


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Theo James is Henry DeTamble in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.


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Theo James is Henry DeTamble in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Rose Leslie is Clare Abshire in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.



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Theo James is Henry DeTamble in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

Watch S1 Episode 1, TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE for free on the official HBO website: https://www.hbo.com/the-time-travelers-wife


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http://judebphoto.wordpress.com/ , http://judebgallery.wordpress.com/  ,


Rose Leslie (Clare Abshire) and Theo James (Henry DeTamble) in the HBO series TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE.

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